No matter how good a driver one is, on occasions there is no way of dodging that pothole in the road, hitting a protruding kerb when parking or even going a little too fast over a bump. If any of the above has happened you might have pushed your car’s steering and suspension settings out of its central points which make your car drive straight – known as alignment or tracking.
Wheel alignment is an essential vehicle service which ensures your car operates with maximum efficiency, comfort and safety. It achieves this by making sure all of your wheels point in exactly the right direction in relation to each other and your direction of travel. This is an increasingly important service on modern cars as the majority now have many adjustable components within the steering and suspension systems which, if not set correctly, can cause misalignment.
These are all possible symptoms of misalignment and often lead to higher running costs as your tyres need replacing sooner or your fuel bills will be increased. It is recommended to have a wheel alignment done regularly. Some vehicles may only require front 2-wheel alignment as it does not have adjustment on the rear but most modern vehicles will require a 4-Wheel alignment involving adjusting the caster, camber and toe. Our skilled technicians will advise and adjust targets according to the closest measurements.
Our workshop is equipped with the award-winning Hunter alignment system - the Hunter Elite TD. Widely recognised across the world as the leading alignment equipment, Hunter aligners are accurate, reliable and fast. What’s more, our team have been trained directly by Hunter’s UK representatives to the highest standards to ensure we endeavour to give your car is given the best standards of care and attention possible.
Using real-time imaging cameras we measure all 14 primary angles on your car and automatically compare these against the latest technical specifications available from your vehicle manufacturer. We then provide you with a colour, easy to understand printout to prove and explain any alignment difficulties we may find.
Please note:Alignment does not detect or solve mechanical faults. Our technician will only advise on replacing any parts which is visible regarding the steering or suspension. If any work is required we will discuss this with you prior to commencement. If your vehicle requires replacing tyres, parts or additional mechanical inspection– it is highly advisable to do the repair work before alignment is carried out as it may miss-align again and your warranty may not apply.
Our wheel alignment comes with a five day re-check warranty*
*Warranty does not apply to customers who wish to use their own specifications on their vehicle.
For more detailed information about wheel alignment in general including all the alignment angles we measure and the jargon-busting explanations, visit set up by our Hunter equipment suppliers, Pro-Align, for you, our customers.